We have great neighbors and friends here in Texas. This year we got here in time to celebrate my good friend Helen Wing's birthday....it was a great day!
My two sisters and I decided to all work together on a quilt for our mother for her 75th birthday in January. Shelly's friend Virigina Ohr from Buffalo did the quilting and it was wonderful as you can see from the back view! We had hoped to be able to deliver it to Arizona in person, but it just didn't work out. Mother loves the quilt, and so we are thrilled that as she turns in each night and pulls up the covers....our love is one of her last thoughts!
The quilting group I belong to here in Texas are called the Scattered Piecers. We gather from all over Texas to join together at one of the houses, and sew and eat and visit for a weekend...we always have a wonderful time. We've decided to call them "Snoozeovers", as our Grandchildren have already claimed the "Sleepovers", perhaps Snoozeover is more appropriate as that is all we get sometimes, a little snoozing! LOL Here's a couple of pictures from the January one in Boerne, Texas and the February one in Houston, Texas! The only thing I can say is, there is no time like it on earth!!!
This is a picture of our friend Bonnie Bailey from Houston, she and I went on the trip together, it was a great day and we saw lots of birds. The cattle egret was just posing for us, and there were hundreds of ducks in the water!
I live in Wyoming in the Summer and Texas in the winter. I call that paradise, I have gorgeous mountains to focus on all summer, and the Gulf in the winter.